Country Music Marathon

So, it has finally come and gone. What a wonderful experience that I will never forget- My First Marathon!!
I think I look ready:


It was a gorgeous and warm sunny day, the atmosphere was super positive and encouraging. I felt really good and strong.
The starting line (me and 35,000 of my closest friends including Bill Belichick!!):


(Courtesy of Rock And Roll Marathon series Instagram)

There were also a few crazy people like this:


Once my corral started, I went out fast. Maybe, in hindsight, a little too fast to keep the pace but I kept moving my feet. I saw my wonderful husband at mile 1 and he yelled “I love you- you got this!!”. It was so sweet and encouraging to hear him cheering me on!

Miles 1-8 came and went with nothing really to report other than lots of drunk college kids, music galore, lots and lots of hills, and a new friend. I ran with a lady named Nicole from mile 4 through approximately mile 17-18. She was really nice, a St Jude fundraiser from Illinois. It definitely helped me stay on a good pace. This was her second marathon so she kind of new what to expect. I lost her at mile 18 ish but was definitely thankful for the motivating time we had together. We crossed the half with a new half PR for me (2:16) and I was on pace for a 4:35 finish).
Half way selfie:


Friendly faces of my hubs, Ashlye and her hubs = perfection. I caught them at miles 10, 17, 20, and the end! We even did a successful handoff of a Starbucks iced coffee… It was fabulous!!! They walked a ton to catch me (over 9 miles) and I was so so so thankful for their support. It came just when I needed that smile and encouragement!

I saw a few inspiring runners that I feel the need to point out:
1. A blind runner and her guide. BLIND!
2. A guy who had a heartattack two years ago and flew past me at mile 23!
3. A runner with cerebral palsy… And he was fast!!

These people are what marathoning is all about. Motivated to continue to run, even when the odds are stacked against them.

I’m not going to lie. Miles 21-25 were the hardest miles I have ever run. I took a porta potty break at mile 22, and kept walking up the hills, running down them. My allergies, the heat, the hills and 22 miles of running started to take it’s toll. I kept pushing through, thinking about a nice cold beer and a nap at the end 😉

I did happen to meet one lady at mile 23 who was a personal trainer- she made the effort to tell me “I didn’t even train for this at all!!!” And then after I mentioned how excited I was to finish for a beer and a nap, proceeded to tell me that, because she was a personal trainer, she didn’t support/encourage drinking alcohol. I don’t know if it was my mindset at that point or what but suddenly I was motivated to ensure I kicked her butt… And I did 😉 Add her to the list of “most annoying marathoners.”

The finish line= wonderful. As I was running the last .1 miles to the finish, the announcer said “Meagan… smile!! Come on Meagan” once I realized he meant me, I smiled and everyone cheered!! Such a cool moment. I sprinted that last .1 really hard with a huge smile on my face…Then I cried and cried. Can’t believe I did it!! I could shed a tear now thinking about it!

I have some great memories!!

I am encouraged for Chicago after my friend told me that this was the hardest marathon she has run of all 24 of them. The hills were something I naively didn’t train for but now I know better for next time.
A few lessons learned:
1. Train for the hills
2. Cliff bars are high in fiber and will destroy your stomach so not a good breakfast option for the marathon
3. Drink about 8 gatorades the day before and bring about 10 for right after and the next day.
4. 3 packs of Cliff Shot Blocks are perfect for the race.
5. Stop at every single water stop.
6. Take Motrin soon after you finish. You’ll be thanking me for that tip!

Here I am at the finish line with my medal and hubby/friends. (At least I am still smiling, right?):




After that, a nice nap at the Renaissance hotel (best hotel location), a long shower, and off to Arrington Vineyards for a picnic, wine and the sunset. It was magical!


Best day ever! So happy I did it and I highly suggest it to anyone thinking about running one. I am more convinced now than ever that ANYONE can run a marathon if they put their mind to it. Anyone! Don’t run for time, but for the experience and the experience will not disappoint you!

Here is my overall:


Happy Running!!!

8 thoughts on “Country Music Marathon

    • It was wonderful. And for real!! I’m not about to get drunk (not right away at least 😉 and you got a free beer at the finish. What a nut case! I was like “I’ll take your free one then!” 😉

  1. congratulations, so so so proud of you!! I can’t wait to give you a hug and hear more about it!
    side note: barefoot, really?!

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